A Bloodline Bust:I’m not feeling the Jimmy turn
The recent turn of Jimmy Uso on Jey didn't make any sense for a number of reasons. First, there was no build-up to the turn. Jimmy and Jey have been inseparable for their entire careers, and there was no indication that Jimmy was unhappy with Jey or with the Bloodline. So for him to suddenly turn on Jey out of nowhere was jarring and didn't make any sense.
Second, the turn didn't fit with Jimmy's character. Jimmy has always been the more laid-back, easygoing member of the Usos. He's the one who's always been more willing to have fun, and he's never been the type to get into serious feuds. So for him to suddenly turn heel and become a ruthless enforcer for Roman Reigns just didn't fit with his character.
Third, the turn didn't do anything to advance the Bloodline storyline. The Bloodline storyline is all about Roman Reigns' rise to power. It's about him becoming the dominant force in WWE, and it's about his family supporting him along the way. So for Jimmy to turn on Jey didn't do anything to advance that storyline. It just created a new feud between the two brothers, which didn't really need to happen.
I think there was a much better way to handle this storyline. Instead of having Jimmy turn on Jey, they should have just had Tribal Combat be for the title of Tribal Chief, not the WWE Universal Championship. That would have made a lot more sense, and it would have been a more compelling story.
Here's how it would have played out:
Roman Reigns and Jey Uso would have faced off in Tribal Combat, with the winner becoming the new Tribal Chief.
Jey would have won the match, becoming the new Tribal Chief.
Roman Reigns would have been stripped of the title of Tribal Chief, but he would have remained the WWE Universal Champion.
This would have created a new dynamic within the Bloodline, with Jey now being the leader and Roman Reigns being the follower.
It would have also set up a potential future feud between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso, with the WWE Universal Championship on the line.
I think this would have been a much more compelling story than what we got. It would have made more sense, it would have advanced the Bloodline storyline, and it would have set up some great future feuds.
I know that WWE is probably planning on having Jimmy and Jey Uso feud for the WWE Universal Championship, but I think that would be a mistake. The two brothers have never had a singles feud before, and I don't think it would be very interesting. I think they should just keep them as a tag team, and focus on telling the story of Jey as the new Tribal Chief.
Of course, this is just my opinion. What do you think? Did Jimmy Uso's turn on Jey make sense to you? Or do you think they should have handled it differently?