Wrestling With the Future: The Industry’s Environmental Dilemma

The Future of Sustainable Practices in Professional Wrestling: A Call to Action & Accountability

As someone who has worked in environmental justice spaces, albeit not as anything even remotely close to being an expert, I am deeply passionate about the need for sustainable policies and practices everywhere, but particularly within professional wrestling. While we all, myself included, enjoy the thrills of the spectacle of pro-wrestling, we do have to admit it’s not an industry known as environmentally friendly. The pro-wrestling industry's environmental footprint is a growing concern that needs urgent attention.

The Environmental Impacts of Pro Wrestling

The pro wrestling industry has a substantial carbon footprint, primarily due to the extensive travel required for wrestlers and the logistical demands of staging shows. Weekly events like WWE’s “Friday Night SmackDown” or AEW’s “Wednesday Night Dynamite” involve massive movements of personnel and equipment, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. The sheer scale of these operations means that even small steps towards sustainability can have a considerable impact.

Consider this: each year, major wrestling events like WrestleMania draw tens of thousands of fans from around the globe. While these events are monumental in the wrestling calendar, they also underscore the industry's susceptibility to the changing climate. For example, this year’s WrestleMania, held outdoors in Philadelphia in April, was marred by frigid temperatures on the first night, making for a less than optimal fan experience. Although it's difficult to attribute this directly to climate change, it highlights a critical point: the climate's unpredictability must be factored into future planning.

The Importance of Sustainability Frameworks

Sustainability strategies are not just about preserving the environment; they are integral to the mission, values, and financial health of any organization. For the pro wrestling industry, these strategies are a pathway to future-proofing itself against the economic and operational risks posed by climate change. Unfortunately, the two largest North American wrestling promotions, WWE and AEW, do not currently have publicly accessible sustainability strategies. This absence is a missed opportunity to demonstrate leadership and accountability in an era where environmental stewardship is increasingly critical.

Public sustainability plans are essential because they hold companies accountable, ensuring that their environmental commitments are transparent and measurable. Furthermore, they can significantly enhance market appeal, fostering stronger corporate partnerships and aligning with regulatory compliance requirements.

Concrete Steps Towards More Sustainable Major Pro-Wrestling Promotions 

To ensure the longevity and success of professional wrestling, it is crucial to integrate sustainable practices across the board. Here are some actionable steps that WWE, AEW, and other wrestling promotions can take:

1. Sustainable Travel: Encourage eco-friendly travel for all employees by partnering with travel companies to offer rewards and incentives for choosing sustainable options. Commit to staying in green-certified accommodations.

3. Carbon Offset Programs: While not a perfect solution, carbon offsets can mitigate some of the industry's emissions. Partnering with reputable organizations to support reforestation or renewable energy projects can make a difference.

3. Greener Venues: Prioritize hosting events at venues with robust sustainability initiatives. This includes energy-efficient lighting, waste reduction programs, and renewable energy sources.

4. Eco-Friendly Fleets: Transition to hybrid or electric vehicles for company use. This can significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation.

5.. Community Engagement: Both WWE and AEW can enhance their community engagement by organizing events centered around sustainability. For instance, WWE could establish a "WWE Impact Partner" focused on eco-friendly initiatives, while AEW could leverage "AEW Together" for neighborhood cleanups and environmental awareness campaigns.

Four Pillars of the Benefits of a Greener Pro-Wrestling Future

At the end of the day though, much like many of us, corporations will look at these proposed environmental practices and policy changes and will want to know what is in it for them. Here are some of the potential benefits of being proactive in the sustainability realm of professional wrestling.

1. Environmental Responsibility: Taking actionable steps to reduce carbon footprints and minimize environmental impacts demonstrates a commitment to the betterment of the environmental conditions of our planet & it’s just kinda the right thing to do. 

2. Economic Efficiency: Investing in energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting, which WWE has already begun to emphasize in their set designs,ultimately cost saving measures for the companies themselves. 

3. Market Appeal: Improved environmentally conscious practices can also enhance brand value and establish partnerships with eco-conscious entities.

4. Regulatory Compliance: Meeting and exceeding environmental regulations to avoid potential fines and legal issues that might incur in the future. 

Sustainability in the Indie Wrestling Scene 

Investing in smaller regional indie pro-wrestling promotions offers several environmental benefits. Firstly, these promotions typically hold events locally, reducing the need for extensive travel for both wrestlers and fans, which in turn lowers carbon emissions. By catering to a localized fan base, fans can travel shorter distances, further minimizing the environmental impact compared to long-distance travel required by larger promotions. Smaller venues used by indie promotions consume less energy for lighting, heating, and cooling, leading to a reduced overall energy footprint. These promotions often integrate with local communities, promoting eco-friendly practices such as carpooling and use of public transport.

Additionally, smaller events generally consume fewer resources in terms of merchandise and concessions, resulting in less waste generation.With more flexible scheduling, smaller promotions can maximize efficiency and minimize waste, such as holding events back-to-back to make the best use of resources. By focusing on these areas, investing in smaller regional indie pro-wrestling promotions contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly entertainment industry.

A Call for Leadership and Accountability

While some initiatives are already underway, such as WWE’s focus on sustainable set design, there is much more that can be done. The wrestling industry has a unique opportunity to lead by example, demonstrating that entertainment and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand. By adopting comprehensive sustainability strategies, wrestling promotions can not only reduce their environmental impact but also resonate with a growing base of environmentally conscious fans.

Accountability is crucial, and long term, public sustainability policies are good business. They help future-proof the industry, foster consumer trust, and align with global movements towards sustainability. Moreover, they ensure that the legacy of professional wrestling can continue on a planet that is healthy and thriving.

In conclusion, while the journey towards sustainability in professional wrestling is just beginning, it is a necessary and urgent one. The industry's leaders must recognize the importance of sustainable practices and take decisive action. By doing so, they can ensure that the thrilling spectacle of professional wrestling remains a beloved part of our culture for generations to come. 

As fans and stakeholders, it is our responsibility to advocate for these changes and support initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, yes, even in pro-wrestling. 


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